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Hello. I'm Flavio Gambardella.

Software engineer with more than 20 years of professional experience in the IT industry, I started my career as C++, PHP and Ruby developer and I reached a good mastery of the main computer languages and technologies, always working in a fast-paced and agile software development environment.

In the first years of my career, I gained valuable experience in the main phases of the software development lifecycle. I worked with agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban and ScrumBan. Later on, I became specialized in developing cloud native application and in migrating legacy applications in hybrid cloud environments based on Kubernetes, OpenShift or Cloud Foundry and public cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). I also embraced the DevOps methodologies and I gained experiences with the DevOps toolchain. As a consultant of a large company, I supervised and coordinated the migration phase from an on-premises datacenter to a cloud infrastructure based on AWS. During this migration project, I designed and implemented with my team a highly scalable and available cloud hosting solution, automating all the code deployment workflow to ensure the continuous integration and continuous delivery of the code. After the success of the migration project, I became head of the DevOps team and finally head of the Digital support team, where more than ten consultants worked, as Devs and DevOps professionals, to maintain and evolve all the digital properties of the client. I organized my team in two agile teams, following the Kanban methodology for the on-going maintenance team and Scrum for the new projects. In the last years of my career I served my company both as Software Solution Architect, designing microservice architectures, and as IT Manager, coordinating a team of about twenty IT professionals, including Digital Developers, Cloud and DevOps Engineers. I’m a certified AWS solutions architect and developer.

What I do

In my professional life I always strive to provide quality solutions, working in a professional and organized manner, to meet deadlines even in a highly demanding environment.